
So you want to keep bees...where to start?

Did you know we host free workshops during the bee season? The workshops begin in March and run till June. We take a break in July and August (we are busy moving bees, checking bees, and hopefully collecting pollen and honey during this time) and resume workshops in September, wrapping up the season in October. 

These workshops focus on timely tasks and basic beekeeping. Hosted by Theo Sr., the workshops are a great place to start gathering information and getting familiar with the basic cycle of the bee season. 

What do I need?

Bee Veil - there are lots of different styles available.

Smoker - used to keep the bees calm, it is a device that produces smoke.
Hive tool - used to pry the frames loose, scrape indispensable piece of beekeeping equipment
Hive components - the most common bee hive (the Langstroth hive) is made up of an outer cover, an inner cover, honey supers and hive boxes, frames and a bottom board.

Where can I get this equipment?

We carry a limited amount of beekeeping equipment in our honey shop - we carry smokers, hive tools and a couple of styles of bee veils. As for the hive components, you can build your own (google building your own bee hives) or order online (again, google is your friend).  

How do I order bees?

Great news! You want to be a beekeeper! You have attended some of our free workshops, read plenty of books and assembled your equipment. Now what?

You can order bees through Greg McCammon, a local Nanaimo beekeeper. You can contact him directly here and place an order no later than February 1, 2013 with a down payment of $20 per package. Final payment will be needed by March 20, 2013. Packages come with 2.2lbs of Carniolan Bees. Bees will arrive between Mar 27, 2013- April 12, 2013 (usually arrive late on April 2 on Vancouver Island) and for convenience can be picked up at our farm (click here for a map and directions).

Prices vary depending on order size.

1 package = $170 Taxes included

10 Packages= $160 ea Taxes


Carniolan Queens also available and the minimum order size is 10. The prices will be available in the new year but are usually around $26/queen.

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